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A Mural for the Community

YOU helped us turn this drab wall into a beautiful piece of artwork!

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In 2012, a longtime volunteer, Jerry, had an idea to paint a mural on to the exterior wall of the Valley Art building. In action to his suggestion, a small committee started fundraising, researching, and planning to bring this piece of art to the community. The committee researched other similar projects; one of them being the mural collection in Carlton. A plan was set in place and it began to come alive.

The summer of 2014 you may have noticed the wall transforming into a beautiful piece of art. The mural artists, Nate Marcel and Emily Lux, brought a beautiful array of colors and 56 different scenes from historical Forest Grove to today! The mural was painted over the span of a few weeks with the help of many volunteers!

A great big THANK YOU goes out to all who contributed; either with your time or a generous donation to the mural!!

A special thanks to the Forest Grove Public Arts Commission for awarding Valley Art a mini-grant.

Stop by the gallery to see this masterpiece!PAC final (1)

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