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Use The Whole Buffalo

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Like many non-profits across the country, we make the most of our resources, for as long as possible and try to let nothing go to waste.

In this case when the floor of one of our kilns cracked; Valley Art instructor and Artist Bob Hackney set to work on repairing it to save us time and money. He found a new floor and went about replacing the wiring, relays along with the elements, and the pyrometer (thermostat). To improve on the life of the kiln he ordered a custom ten-sided metal base that will add yet more time to the life of the kiln.

And let me tell you, this brave little kiln has taken a lot of heat! For the past twelve years, it has fired everything we threw at it. From the children’s class initial masterpieces to the adult’s creations. We are lucky to have an in-house expert to deal with this type of incident! And we’re lucky to have volunteers that help us stay open so that we can continue to be an active part of our community and make a positive impact.

How Valley Art makes a difference in our community:

We support established local artists.

We look for new emerging artists and give them the opportunity to show their work to start off their careers.

We embrace and promote diversity in the arts.

We have a community shows offering the opportunity to everyone in our community to show their artistic vision

We offer classes and events like the Chalk Festival.



How can you be part of this?

  • Put us on your shopping list: Visit the gallery and see what we have.  We are pretty sure you’ll find something that fits any budget.
  • Take a class, or gift a class: Be it a child who wants to try out pottery or painting or an adult that might need the relaxation offered by shaping and throwing clay.
  • Mention Valley Art to others: Spread the word: “Did you know Valley Art offers some free art events to the public? Check them out.”
    Or, “You know that picture in my living room you liked? I bought it at Valley Art.” Word of mouth makes a big difference.
  • Share earned points: Share your Fred Meyer or Amazon points. You don’t lose anything, but the charity you designate gains small amounts of money that, over time, make a big impact.
  • A little can matter a lot: Can you only afford to donate $5 to a cause? Start a fundraiser, if you find 10 friends who can also donate $5 you can jointly build a generous $50 donation. A little goes a long way.
  • Volunteer: If you have some extra time come spend an hour at the entrance desk. A great place to absorb the rich creative atmosphere and help people who come in to buy art. (You can even read a book when it’s slow, we won’t complain :-))
  • Serve on the board of Valley Art: All organizations need input and support from their board members. You can help inspire change and growth.