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Helvi Smith Celebrates Creativity

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When you drop in to view the January, February show, you’ll enjoy the painting by Helvi Smith. Vividly colorful, full of motion; realistic, or abstract; they are eye-catching, joyful and sized to fit any space you have empty around your home. I have had the opportunity to interview Helvi so that you may know more about her work and mindset.

These are colorful close up from Helvi’s vertical hangings.

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Can you tell us a bit about yourself, please?
I have always been a creative person. I like decorating and creating fun spaces in any home I have lived in. I’ve bought and sold antiques and collectibles for years and that has inspired me and given me a good eye for art and a source of inspiration

What medium do you favor for your art?

When I decided to be an artist, I pretty much used house paint, and put it in squeeze bottles to apply it to canvas. I really liked the viscosity of the house paint. Now I use mostly artist’s acrylic paint. I still use some paint in squeeze bottles to make lines and dots.
I mostly paint on canvas but have recently been painting on cardboard and making collages out of the painted cardboard. In the past, I painted a sofa. That was fun. I am experimenting with painting on peel and stick vinyl and have a piece on my fridge to test out. I will paint about anything that sits still for too long.

What has been your artistic journey, how did you get to your current style?

About 10 years ago I had a friend who was setting aside a couple of hours each Sunday to do “art.” I asked if I could join, and discovered that I really liked painting and have not stopped since.
My current style is full of color and shapes. I like stripes, so often those are in my paintings. I like almost every color but beige.

Your work is very colorful and energetic, what is the driving energy for your painting?

My inspiration is mid-century art, mostly try things out and see if they work. I like creating something out of nothing, something that has never existed before.

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What is your normal artistic workday like?

My studio is the dining room in my house, so whatever I am working on is there, waiting for the next step. I will paint for an hour or so and then walk away to do something else and come back to it many times.

What is most challenging, and most rewarding about working with your medium?

The most challenging thing is often just waiting for the paint to dry, so I can continue the painting. The most rewarding thing is when the magic happens. I let go and just let the painting do what it wishes to do. Not overthinking the art is when it gets good.

How many drawings, sketches do you do before setting down the final painting?

I don’t generally do drawings or sketches and I never draw on the canvas before I paint. I just paint and expect it to work out.

What is your artistic process?

I put a piece of canvas on my table and pick a color and brush or squirt it on there and off I go.

I have met the best people in the art world. It feels great to be around creative people. I feel so lucky to have found what I am meant to do. Many people do not. The most common comment I get on my work is that it is “happy”. Of course, it is! I am a lucky duck!

You can see more of Helvi’s work on her website and social media. She is active on Instagram and has a Facebook page.