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As We Head Into Labor Day

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As many of us head into a three-day weekend we at Valley Art wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend.
Stay safe and make sure this nasty virus passes you by. Let your behavior keep you the other around you safe. Stay sober and healthy as you drive off in those boats, trailers, or bike to your favorite camping ground or fishing hole. And always, may art be with you!
Perhaps when you find a break in your day, take the time to sketch, to create something. At Valley Art, we always try to find time for that.
Today, Christine and Shanny were busy creating wall sconces from clay slabs.

Christine Huryat creates a wall sconce with slab clay
Christine creates the back of a wall sconce by cutting a pattern into a slab of clay
Christine Huryat creates a wall sconce with slab clay
The pattern to create the back of the sconce has been cut out from the clay
Shanni creates a wall sconce with slab clay
Shanny is at work creating her own sconce
Shanni creates a wall sconce with slab clay
Shanny‘s pattern on the front of the sconce, and she’s busy cutting out the back.
Shanni creates a wall sconce with slab clay
Shanny is almost done with what will look like a lovely piece of art in the end. We can’t wait to see the glazed results.